Learn by doing

Change by learning

Grow by changing



Demistifying the power of data analysis. Academically, the subject which engaged my interest the most was macrometrics or econometrics = statistics + mathametics. Take a look into my master thesis's cross-sectional analysis done in Stata.


Having had natural affinity for technology ever since. For instance, I used to be very focused on solving problems of dysfunctional home devices. I remember those moments as timeless. The satisfaction of finding a solution has always been a great driver to me. As I have discovered Data Science, I reconnected with my childhood passion.


Extracting that additional value from data is the true validation of the data + technology synergy.


Knowledge Builder

Maths, statistics and programming


Keep adding new experiences

About me

  • My story

    A short presentation of my story.

  • July 2016 - present

    After a year-long internship in an external auditing and consulting company, deepened my curiosity about financial data. For 3 and a half years, worked as a business controller in a multinational manufacturing company. Eager to further discover the power of data!

  • image alt text

    2011 - 2014

    Europe in the Palm

    It's a 4-year cycle of educational excursions of department of European and International Economics and Business.
    These shaped my personality and created a generation of self-heros!

  • Did you know?

    On a scale of a cat vs. a dog-person, I am a pet-person.
    Love spending time in nature.
    Interested in data and photo storytelling.
    Juggle with 3 tennis balls.
    Believe in 🦄!

  • Let's
    Make Our


Feel free to contact me to discuss data.

Or check my latest blog posts here.